1 首先搞个表单提交!!

<form action="upload.asp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
<table width="800" height="139" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr bgcolor="#006699">
      <td> <span class="ad_j">作品管理</span></td>
      <td bgcolor="#F5F5F5">&nbsp;</td>
    <tr><td bgcolor="#F5F5F5">     
        <input name="wphoto" type="file" id="wphoto" /></td>
      <td bgcolor="#F5F5F5">     
      <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="上传图片" /></td>

2、在网上下载个上传类文件名为 UpLoadClass.asp <% ‘———————————————————- ‘****** 风声无组件上传类 2.11 ******* ‘作者:风声 ‘网站:http://www.fonshen.com ‘邮件: ‘版权:版权全体,源代码公开,各种用途均可免费使用 ‘******************** ‘———————————————————- Class UpLoadClass Private m_TotalSize,m_MaxSize,m_FileType,m_SavePath,m_AutoSave,m_Error,m_Charset Private m_dicForm,m_binForm,m_binItem,m_strDate,m_lngTime Public FormItem,FileItem Public Property Get Version Version=”Fonshen UpLoadClass Version 2.11” End Property Public Property Get Error Error=m_Error End Property Public Property Get Charset Charset=m_Charset End Property Public Property Let Charset(strCharset) m_Charset=strCharset End Property Public Property Get TotalSize TotalSize=m_TotalSize End Property Public Property Let TotalSize(lngSize) if isNumeric(lngSize) then m_TotalSize=Clng(lngSize) End Property Public Property Get MaxSize MaxSize=m_MaxSize End Property Public Property Let MaxSize(lngSize) if isNumeric(lngSize) then m_MaxSize=Clng(lngSize) End Property Public Property Get FileType FileType=m_FileType End Property Public Property Let FileType(strType) m_FileType=strType End Property Public Property Get SavePath SavePath=m_SavePath End Property Public Property Let SavePath(strPath) m_SavePath=Replace(strPath,chr(0),””) End Property Public Property Get AutoSave AutoSave=m_AutoSave End Property Public Property Let AutoSave(byVal Flag) select case Flag case 0,1,2: m_AutoSave=Flag end select End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize m_Error = -1 m_Charset = “gb2312” m_TotalSize= 0 m_MaxSize = 153600 m_FileType = “jpg/gif” m_SavePath = “” m_AutoSave = 0 Dim dtmNow : dtmNow = Date() m_strDate = Year(dtmNow)&Right(“0”&Month(dtmNow),2)&Right(“0”&Day(dtmNow),2) m_lngTime = Clng(Timer()*1000) Set m_binForm = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Stream”) Set m_binItem = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Stream”) Set m_dicForm = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”) m_dicForm.CompareMode = 1 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate m_dicForm.RemoveAll Set m_dicForm = nothing Set m_binItem = nothing m_binForm.Close() Set m_binForm = nothing End Sub Public Function Open() Open = 0 if m_Error=-1 then m_Error=0 else Exit Function end if Dim lngRequestSize : lngRequestSize=Request.TotalBytes if m_TotalSize>0 and lngRequestSize>m_TotalSize then m_Error=5 Exit Function elseif lngRequestSize<1 then m_Error=4 Exit Function end if Dim lngChunkByte : lngChunkByte = 102400 Dim lngReadSize : lngReadSize = 0 m_binForm.Type = 1 m_binForm.Open() do m_binForm.Write Request.BinaryRead(lngChunkByte) lngReadSize=lngReadSize+lngChunkByte if lngReadSize >= lngRequestSize then exit do loop
m_binForm.Position=0 Dim binRequestData : binRequestData=m_binForm.Read() Dim bCrLf,strSeparator,intSeparator bCrLf=ChrB(13)&ChrB(10) intSeparator=InstrB(1,binRequestData,bCrLf)-1 strSeparator=LeftB(binRequestData,intSeparator) Dim strItem,strInam,strFtyp,strPuri,strFnam,strFext,lngFsiz Const strSplit=”’””>” Dim strFormItem,strFileItem,intTemp,strTemp Dim p_start : p_start=intSeparator+2 Dim p_end Do p_end = InStrB(p_start,binRequestData,bCrLf&bCrLf)-1 m_binItem.Type=1 m_binItem.Open() m_binForm.Position=p_start m_binForm.CopyTo m_binItem,p_end-p_start m_binItem.Position=0 m_binItem.Type=2 m_binItem.Charset=m_Charset strItem = m_binItem.ReadText() m_binItem.Close() intTemp=Instr(39,strItem,””””) strInam=Mid(strItem,39,intTemp-39) p_start = p_end + 4 p_end = InStrB(p_start,binRequestData,strSeparator)-1 m_binItem.Type=1 m_binItem.Open() m_binForm.Position=p_start lngFsiz=p_end-p_start-2 m_binForm.CopyTo m_binItem,lngFsiz if Instr(intTemp,strItem,”filename=”””)<>0 then if not m_dicForm.Exists(strInam&”_From”) then strFileItem=strFileItem&strSplit&strInam if m_binItem.Size<>0 then intTemp=intTemp+13 strFtyp=Mid(strItem,Instr(intTemp,strItem,”Content-Type: “)+14) strPuri=Mid(strItem,intTemp,Instr(intTemp,strItem,””””)-intTemp) intTemp=InstrRev(strPuri,”") strFnam=Mid(strPuri,intTemp+1) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Type”,strFtyp m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Name”,strFnam m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Path”,Left(strPuri,intTemp) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Size”,lngFsiz if Instr(strFnam,”.”)<>0 then strFext=Mid(strFnam,InstrRev(strFnam,”.”)+1) else strFext=”” end if select case strFtyp case “image/jpeg”,”image/pjpeg”,”image/jpg” if Lcase(strFext)<>”jpg” then strFext=”jpg” m_binItem.Position=3 do while not m_binItem.EOS do intTemp = Ascb(m_binItem.Read(1)) loop while intTemp = 255 and not m_binItem.EOS if intTemp < 192 or intTemp > 195 then m_binItem.read(Bin2Val(m_binItem.Read(2))-2) else Exit do end if do intTemp = Ascb(m_binItem.Read(1)) loop while intTemp < 255 and not m_binItem.EOS loop m_binItem.Read(3) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Height”,Bin2Val(m_binItem.Read(2)) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Width”,Bin2Val(m_binItem.Read(2)) case “image/gif” if Lcase(strFext)<>”gif” then strFext=”gif” m_binItem.Position=6 m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Width”,BinVal2(m_binItem.Read(2)) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Height”,BinVal2(m_binItem.Read(2)) case “image/png” if Lcase(strFext)<>”png” then strFext=”png” m_binItem.Position=18 m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Width”,Bin2Val(m_binItem.Read(2)) m_binItem.Read(2) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Height”,Bin2Val(m_binItem.Read(2)) case “image/bmp” if Lcase(strFext)<>”bmp” then strFext=”bmp” m_binItem.Position=18 m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Width”,BinVal2(m_binItem.Read(4)) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Height”,BinVal2(m_binItem.Read(4)) case “application/x-shockwave-flash” if Lcase(strFext)<>”swf” then strFext=”swf” m_binItem.Position=0 if Ascb(m_binItem.Read(1))=70 then m_binItem.Position=8 strTemp = Num2Str(Ascb(m_binItem.Read(1)), 2 ,8) intTemp = Str2Num(Left(strTemp, 5), 2) strTemp = Mid(strTemp, 6) while (Len(strTemp) < intTemp * 4) strTemp = strTemp & Num2Str(Ascb(m_binItem.Read(1)), 2 ,8) wend m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Width”, Int(Abs(Str2Num(Mid(strTemp, intTemp + 1, intTemp), 2) - Str2Num(Mid(strTemp, 1, intTemp), 2)) / 20) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Height”,Int(Abs(Str2Num(Mid(strTemp, 3 * intTemp + 1, intTemp), 2) - Str2Num(Mid(strTemp, 2 * intTemp + 1, intTemp), 2)) / 20) end if end select m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Ext”,strFext m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_From”,p_start if m_AutoSave<>2 then intTemp=GetFerr(lngFsiz,strFext) m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Err”,intTemp if intTemp=0 then if m_AutoSave=0 then strFnam=GetTimeStr() if strFext<>”” then strFnam=strFnam&”.”&strFext end if m_binItem.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(m_SavePath&strFnam),2 m_dicForm.Add strInam,strFnam end if end if else m_dicForm.Add strInam&”_Err”,-1 end if end if else m_binItem.Position=0 m_binItem.Type=2 m_binItem.Charset=m_Charset strTemp=m_binItem.ReadText if m_dicForm.Exists(strInam) then m_dicForm(strInam) = m_dicForm(strInam)&”,”&strTemp else strFormItem=strFormItem&strSplit&strInam m_dicForm.Add strInam,strTemp end if end if m_binItem.Close() p_start = p_end+intSeparator+2 loop Until p_start+3>lngRequestSize FormItem=Split(strFormItem,strSplit) FileItem=Split(strFileItem,strSplit)

Open = lngRequestSize End Function Private Function GetTimeStr() m_lngTime=m_lngTime+1 GetTimeStr=m_strDate&Right(“00000000”&m_lngTime,8) End Function Private Function GetFerr(lngFsiz,strFext) dim intFerr intFerr=0 if lngFsiz>m_MaxSize and m_MaxSize>0 then if m_Error=0 or m_Error=2 then m_Error=m_Error+1 intFerr=intFerr+1 end if if Instr(1,LCase(“/”&m_FileType&”/”),LCase(“/”&strFext&”/”))=0 and m_FileType<>”” then if m_Error<2 then m_Error=m_Error+2 intFerr=intFerr+2 end if GetFerr=intFerr End Function Public Function Save(Item,strFnam) Save=false if m_dicForm.Exists(Item&”_From”) then dim intFerr,strFext strFext=m_dicForm(Item&”_Ext”) intFerr=GetFerr(m_dicForm(Item&”_Size”),strFext) if m_dicForm.Exists(Item&”_Err”) then if intFerr=0 then m_dicForm(Item&”_Err”)=0 end if else m_dicForm.Add Item&”_Err”,intFerr end if if intFerr<>0 then Exit Function if VarType(strFnam)=2 then select case strFnam case 0:strFnam=GetTimeStr() if strFext<>”” then strFnam=strFnam&”.”&strFext case 1:strFnam=m_dicForm(Item&”_Name”) end select end if m_binItem.Type = 1 m_binItem.Open m_binForm.Position = m_dicForm(Item&”_From”) m_binForm.CopyTo m_binItem,m_dicForm(Item&”_Size”) m_binItem.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(m_SavePath&strFnam),2 m_binItem.Close() if m_dicForm.Exists(Item) then m_dicForm(Item)=strFnam else m_dicForm.Add Item,strFnam end if Save=true end if End Function Public Function GetData(Item) GetData=”” if m_dicForm.Exists(Item&”_From”) then if GetFerr(m_dicForm(Item&”_Size”),m_dicForm(Item&”_Ext”))<>0 then Exit Function m_binForm.Position = m_dicForm(Item&”_From”) GetData = m_binForm.Read(m_dicForm(Item&”_Size”)) end if End Function Public Function Form(Item) if m_dicForm.Exists(Item) then Form=m_dicForm(Item) else Form=”” end if End Function Private Function BinVal2(bin) dim lngValue,i lngValue = 0 for i = lenb(bin) to 1 step -1 lngValue = lngValue 256 + Ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next BinVal2=lngValue End Function Private Function Bin2Val(bin) dim lngValue,i lngValue = 0 for i = 1 to lenb(bin) lngValue = lngValue *256 + Ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next Bin2Val=lngValue End Function Private Function Num2Str(num, base, lens) Dim ret,i ret = “” while(num >= base) i = num Mod base ret = i & ret num = (num - i) / base wend Num2Str = Right(String(lens, “0”) & num & ret, lens) End Function Private Function Str2Num(str, base) Dim ret, i ret = 0 for i = 1 to Len(str) ret = ret * base + Cint(Mid(str, i, 1)) next Str2Num = ret End Function End Class %> 3、upload.asp 文件的内容 <” CODEPAGE=”936”%> <% ‘———————————————————- ‘****** 风声无组件上传类 2.11 ******* ‘用法举例:快速应用[添加产品一] ‘该例主要说明默认模式下的运用 ‘以常见的产品更新为例
‘该例以UTF-8字符集测试 ‘下面是上传程序(upload.asp)的代码和注释 ‘******************** ‘———————————————————- Server.ScriptTimeOut=5000 %> <% dim request2,conn1,conn2 set request2 = New UpLoadClass
‘打开对象 request2.savepath = “uploadfile/” request2.AutoSave = 0 request2.FileType=”” request2.Open() n = request2.SavePath&request2.Form(“wphoto”) ‘response.write n ‘response.End() set conn1=CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) conn1.Open “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=;Data Source=”&Server.MapPath(“uploadfile/date.mdb”) set conn2=CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) conn2.Open “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0;Data Source=”&Server.MapPath (n)

sql=”SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]” set rs = conn2.execute(sql) while not rs.eof sql = “insert into date values(“&fixsql(rs(0))&”,’“&fixsql(rs(1))&”’,’“&fixsql(rs(2))&”’,”&fixsql(rs(3))&”)” ///////就是这句 ‘response.write sql ‘response.end conn1.execute(sql)’ 提示是这行错误 rs.movenext Response.Write “正在插入 “&sql&”
” Response.Flush wend

conn1.close set conn1 = nothing conn2.close set conn2 = Nothing If Err = 0 Then Response.Write “导入成功” Else Response.Write “导入失败!” End If

function fixsql(str) dim newstr newstr = str if isnull(newstr) then newstr = “” else newstr = replace(newstr,”’”,”’’”) end if fixsql = newstr end Function ‘删除上传文件 deletefile(n) sub deletefile(l1)‘ 删除文件函数 on error resume next dim fs,l2 set fs=createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) l2=server.mappath(l1) if fs.fileexists(l2) then fs.deletefile(l2) end if set fs=nothing if err.number<>0 then err.clear end if end sub ‘Response.Write(request2.SavePath&request2.Form(“wphoto”)&”</p>”)

‘title = request2.Form(“wtitle”) ‘path = request2.Form(“wphoto”)

‘conn.execute(“insert into works([w_title],[w_pic])values(‘“&title&”’,’“&path&”’)”)

%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>

<% '显示类版本 'Response.Write("


") '显示字符集 'Response.Write("<p id=""Title"">字 符 集:"&request2.Charset&"</p>") '显示产品名称 'Response.Write("


") '显示源文件路径与名称 'Response.Write("

产品图片:"&request2.Form("wphoto_Path")&request2.Form("wphoto_Name")) 'Response.Write("=>") '显示目标文件路径与名称 'Response.Write(request2.SavePath&request2.Form("wphoto")&"

") '显示产品介绍 'Response.Write("


") '-------说明开始------ '可以看出上面的显示是淋漓尽致的 '文件是否需要保存由类自动判断,这已经符合大多数情况下的应用 '如果您需要更灵活的处理,参见[进阶应用] '-------说明结束------ Response.Write("上传成功!") Response.Write "

[<a href=""javascript:history.back();"">返回</a>]

" %>

<% ‘释放上传对象 set request2=nothing %> 这样就行了!!我花费了5个小时的时间搞这东西!!真汗啊!!! 脑袋笨啊!没治啊!